There are a lot of questions that come up around and about the BCAEA, and in this page we try to provide answers to some of the most common questions.

If you have a question related to complaints, concerns, & bans, you may want to check the “Complaints FAQ” page

How does someone get on the board?

This is a two-parted question since currently there are two processes:

For Directors:
There is a nomination process in early January, where names may be submitted by any member of the society in ‘good standing’. This includes any attendees and volunteers for any of our events.

Then, the nominee is contacted by the board and must accept the nomination in writing, as per the societies act and bylaws. If they decline, then the nomination goes no further than this point.

If the nominee accepts their nomination, then there will be a vote by the current directors with all the accepted nominees for each vacant spot. The nominees with the most votes will be invited to join the board to fill each vacant spot.

For Community Representative:
The community representative can be nominated in the same period as directors, but can also be nominated at the Annual General Meeting. Nominees must be present at the AGM, OR accept in advance via writing.

The vote occurs by the membership at the Annual General Meeting. Community representative serves a 1-year term as a full voting member of the board of directors.

How long are directors on the board?

Directors serve a 3 year term, but may serve a second consecutive 3 year term if they are nominated again. After 6 years, a director must retire for at least six months before they are eligible to be elected to the board again.

I had a problem with or know of a problematic individual at your events. How do I report them?

Please see our “complaints FAQ” page for full information. Please note that our ‘at con’ reporting procedures and requirements, and ‘pre-con’ reporting procedures requirements are quite different. If you are at one of our events, please go to con-ops and make your report to them directly.

If you are contacting the board outside of an event, please be sure to review our policies, and our report page to submit a report. Be aware, while we will respond that we received your complaint, for confidentiality reasons, we may not be able to tell you what happened as a result of your complaint.

How do I learn more about what the society is doing?

We have our minutes listed on our Documents page if you wish to read what was discussed in our meetings.