Nominations for BCAEA board and Community Rep are now open

BCAEA 2021 board nomination call

Nominations are now open for the BC Anthropomorphic Events Association Board of Directors. Existing and former staff members of the VancouFur and Vanhoover Pony Expo (VPE) conventions are invited to submit their nominations for capable, dedicated and motivated people to work in the background of the conventions and other activities in the Vancouver area.
The Board of Directors has one seat available for election with position to be filled as of March 8, 2021.

The seat is for a three-year term ending in 2024.

The Community Representative Position is also up for nomination, for a one year term. The Community Representative is responsible for bringing the voice and concerns of the community to the board.

The BC Anthropomorphic Events Association, a registered not-for-profit in the province of British Columbia, is the group that oversees the operation of VancouFur, principally, as well as events surrounding it in the Vancouver area. Board members are not involved directly with the operations of the convention from year to year (although Directors are welcome to volunteer as part of convention staff, remembering that they have no direct authority from their Board position); instead, they are responsible for establishing the rules, direction and financial allocation for the convention, as well as appointment of the Chair of the convention each year. Elected board members are legal representatives of the non-profit corporation legally responsible for VancouFur, VPE and other events.

At present, the Board consists of:

  • Skepicolt (term ends 2022)
  • Jerome Fox (term ends 2022)
  • Havok (term ends 2023)
  • ShadowsMyst (term ends 2021)
  • Malicai (term ends 2022)
  • RainRat (term ends 2023)
  • AceCoyote (Community rep; term ends 2021)

Who is eligible for nomination?

Consider nominees who are motivated to assist in the growth of VancouFur, VPE and other area activities within the furry community. Convention operation experience is not necessary, but can certainly be a benefit. People who are driven to succeed, have good moral ethics, and unique perspectives are good candidates who can help the convention and the local community grow. They do not have to be current or former VancouFur or VPE staff members to be eligible.

How to submit a nomination

Please do not nominate people publicly. Instead, please direct an email with the subject line “2021 Board Nomination” to [email protected] with the name of your nominee or nominees. Staff members may nominate up to three people. If you are nominating a person for a director, or for the community representative specifically, please note that in your nomination email.

Nominations must be submitted by 11:59 pm Tuesday Feb 23, 2021.

Nominees will be contacted by members of the Board to confirm their acceptance of the nomination. Once the nominations are complete, the Board of Directors will convene and elect the new member(s) who will assume their responsibilities on March 8, 2021.

For more information about these elections or anything else regarding the BC Anthropomorphic Events Association, please email the board at [email protected].

Thank you!